LiposomePro™ Vitamin C Capsules

60 x 430mg Vitamin C Liposomal Capsules

We’re excited to announce that we’re introducing Profound Products’ brand new range of Liposomal vitamins and supplements to the market.

Vitamin C Liposomal Supplements

A potent Vitamin C supplement that is more bioavailable than taking traditional vitamin tablets. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that our bodies cannot make naturally, so it is key we take in Vitamin C through other means. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to health conditions such as scurvy, poor wound healing, low immune system function and then related health problems caused by these problems. Taking a Liposomal Vitamin C supplement helps to ensure the maximum amount of Vitamin C is absorbed.

This product features in the
following categories

Nutritional Supplements

This product has the
following ingredients

Vitamin C

This product is associated with the following health conditions

Immune System Improvement

Product Description

Liposomal vitamins and supplements work by encapsulating the essential nutrient(s) within a liposomal shell – this is made of tiny lipid fats that protect the contents from being destroyed by acids in the mouth or stomach. In this way, they are more potent and have a higher bioavailability than tablets without this liposomal protection.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential for everyday functioning; those who have a deficiency will feel tired, weak and irritable. Severe deficiency will lead to scurvy, a condition that causes a range of health problems including dry hair and skin, cruising, oral problems and anaemia.

Dosing with Liposomal Vitamin C Capsules

  • Each capsule contains 430mg Vitamin C inside a liposomal shell.
  • We recommend taking 2 capsules per day – a total of 860mg per day.
  • Can be taken with or without food.

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