Can We Regrow the Enamel on Our Teeth Using Peptide Oral Care Products

Written by Anti Aging Systems

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Believe it or not, oral health is directly related to our overall health [1]. This means maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for preventing certain diseases and conditions.

But what if you already have an oral health condition? Missing or damaged enamel, gingivitis, and periodontal disease are all common issues people face. Fortunately, there may be a solution. Recent advancements have shown that peptide oral care products may hold the key to regrowing enamel on our teeth.

But how exactly do these products work? Let’s take a closer look at how peptides can help us regrow enamel and restore our oral health.

Why Is Enamel Important For Our Oral Health?

Enamel is the hard outer layer of our teeth that protects them from daily wear and tear. It is also the hardest substance in the human body [2].

Unlike other tissues, such as muscle tissue and skin, our bodies do not automatically regrow enamel. Therefore, once enamel is damaged or lost, it cannot be replaced without external help. This can lead to several issues, such as tooth sensitivity, cavities, and even tooth loss.

However, we can remineralize and repair enamel damage through good oral hygiene practices. This is where peptide oral care products come into play.

How Do Peptides Help Us Regrow Enamel?

Peptides are short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They have been shown to stimulate the production of specific proteins and growth factors that aid in tissue repair and regeneration [3].

In the case of our teeth, peptides can help promote the formation of new enamel crystals, strengthening and repairing damaged areas [4]. Two types of peptides, in particular, DPR (Dental Bond Peptides) and AGDP (Anti-Gingival Degenerate Peptides), have shown promising results in remineralizing and restoring enamel.

Both DPR and AGDP are obtained using a patented hydrolysis technology (a process that involves breaking down a substance with water), resulting in a high concentration of the peptides.

The DPR peptides then bind with calcium ions, which are famously known for their role in promoting strong bones and teeth. This binding process creates a soluble DRP calcium complex, which our tooth enamel can easily absorb. AGPD, on the other hand, helps form type 1 collagen, a key component in promoting gum health.

When combined, these peptides work together to stimulate the production of new enamel and promote overall oral health.

Although it’s important to note, you should always seek medical advice if you or a loved one have any health concerns.

Which Peptide Oral Care Products Are Available?

There are a variety of peptide oral care products currently on the market. For the best results, a targeted repair gel that contains a high concentration of DPR and AGDP peptides is recommended.

OraltidePro™ is a product containing DPR and AGDP peptides in a concentrated gel form. This gel offers repair for damaged enamel, as well as promoting overall gum health by:

  • Filling in slots and micro-fractures in enamel
  • Promoting gum tissue healing and regrowth
  • Preventing oral infections
  • Reducing bacteria growth
  • Encouraging the remineralization of enamel

You can use OraltidePro™ repair gel once a week with your regular oral care routine. For optimal results, combine the gel with OraltidePro™ mouthwash, which also contains DPR and AGDP – a powerful combination for regrowing tooth enamel.


Peptides have been scientifically proven to help regenerate tooth enamel and promote oral health.

By binding with calcium ions, our teeth can easily absorb these peptides. With targeted peptide oral care products such as OraltidePro™, individuals can experience improved enamel strength and gum health.

If you want to incorporate peptide oral care products into your routine, check out the OraltidePro™ repair gel and OraltidePro™ mouthwash. With the help of peptides, you can achieve a healthier and stronger smile!

[1] Oral health: A window to your overall health – Mayo Clinic

[2] Hardest Substance in the Human Body: All About Tooth Enamel (

[3] Peptide Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration – PMC (

[4] Peptide-Based Bioinspired Approach to Regrowing Multilayered Aprismatic Enamel – PMC (