Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract Lingual Bioregulator (Ovagen®) Sublingual drops

Ovagen® sublingual drops normalizes the function of liver and gastrointestinal tract

Ovagen® sublingual drops normalize the function of liver and gastrointestinal tract

Ovagen® cytogen sublingual drops contain a peptide complex plus amino acids, specially formulated to normalize the function of the liver and GI tract. Delivered sublingually below the tongue, these drops have seen success through clinical studies in maintaining liver function in elderly people as well as those suffering from hepatitis of various aetiologies and complications of radiation or chemotherapy.

Other known benefits include combating side effects when using antibiotics and other drugs and the effects on the body of various adverse factors, with malnutrition.

This product features in the
following categories

Bioregulators Nutritional Supplements Synthetic Peptide Bioregulators

This product has the
following ingredients

Bioregulator Peptide Bioregulator

This product is associated with the following health conditions

Digestive Issues Energy Improvement Gastrointestinal Problems Immune System Improvement Liver Disorders

Product Description

Ovagen® sublingual peptide bioregulator drops are a cytogen preparation that works to normalize the function of the liver and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These have been developed off the back of years of research into the analysis of the amino acid sequence of polypeptides (which are short peptides with 3 amino acids).

Dosing with Ovagen® sublingual peptide bioregulator

Ovagen® is designed to be taken sublingually under the tongue.

  • The recommended daily dose for an adult is 1ml, spread over 5-6 drops (25–0.35ml) 3-4 times per day. This contains 0.1mg of complex AC-3.
  • It is recommended to take Ovagen® (or indeed, any sublingual bioregulator) 10-15 minutes before eating.

It is recommended to take Ovagen® each day as directed for 1 month for optimal results. A repeated course is then advisable 3-6 months later.

Ovagen® is available in individual bottles measuring 10mL.

Ingredients: Water, complex AC-3 (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine).


What are Cytogens?

Cytogens are a new class of natural biologically active food additives known as parapharmaceuticals, which are known as Cytogens®. These are being heralded as superior to previous bioregulator preparations (Cytomax’) as they cause no side effects and act in minimal dosages.

Difference between Cytogens and Cytomax’?

The primary difference between taking a synthetic Cytogen preparation and a natural Cytomax preparation is how fast they take to act. Cytogens are faster acting initially but the effects do not last as long as those of a Cytomax preparation. However, it takes longer for a Cytomax preparation to work at the start.

Why is correct liver and GI functioning important?

The liver and GI tract both play crucial roles in maintaining health and metabolic functioning.

Correct liver functioning is especially important for detoxifying the body, as it filters out harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol and toxins from the body. If the liver cannot do this job, these will stay in the body and cause a range of health problems such as jaundice, weight loss, stomach pain and swelling.

The GI tract works in a range of areas including energy production, metabolism, immunity, digestion and nutrient absorption to ensure the body is taking in the essential nutrients it needs and processing them properly. If the GI tract becomes impaired, this can lead to problems such as malnutrition, poor immune system functioning and subsequent increase in illnesses, nutrient deficiencies, lack of energy, IBS, IBD or malabsorption syndromes.


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