Synergistic Programs – Antiaging pack

Written by MICANS, MS, PharmB, Philip A

Antiaging is the ultimate preventative medicine

As you might expect, antiaging medicine is by definition an incredibly broad subject. The American Academy of Antiaging Medicine (A4M) essentially defines it as the best of all the existing and emerging technologies, which can naturally mean a huge field.

Here at IAS, whilst we can accept that there are many approaches to improving aging, from a walk round the block (e.g. exercise) or drinking a glass of water (e.g. a healthy diet), through detox, nutrition (methylation), immunity and onto bio-identical hormone replacement and stem cells etc.

However, the clearest definition of an “antiaging medicine” to us is something that clearly impacts/ improves an established theory of aging.

Much has been said that without an agreed definition of aging, it is very difficult to combat the core problem and that all too often we are left actually improving the symptoms. Of course this is still the best thing to do and not to wait to make improvements before understanding the core of the problem, plus this is in fact exactly the same way that mainstream medicine operates today, (i.e. treating the effects of cancer rather than understanding the causes of cancer).

The IAS synergistic antiaging pack addresses three of the best established theories of aging to combat them with class leading products that have been clinically proven to benefit. If you are interested in addressing your aging issues and slowing down your rate of decline, consider this pack.

Aminoguanidine; the most potent AGE inhibitor
One of the most prominent theories of aging, that is once again coming to the fore is the cross linking theory of aging, also known as the glycosylation theory of aging. Essentially this is all about cell damage caused by the interventions of proteins with sugar and oxygen.

The results are damaged/ cross linked proteins that are so impaired that they are no longer able to “do their job.” Depending on where this damage has accumulated results in different outcomes, well known aspects of advanced glycated end products (hence AGE) play significant roles in the formations of cataracts, hard tough discolored skin, heart enlargement, hardening of arteries and diabetes. Indeed, diabetics are well known to have large amounts of AGEs and it is a measured diagnostic for the disease, as diabetics do not live long lives it is a considered fact that this is a form of accelerated aging.

The good news is that glycated proteins can be slowed down in their progression and perhaps even reversed. A number of substances including vitamin C and E can have beneficial properties, but research studies have shown that in comparison to some key chemicals this is quite insignificant. In particular, Russian studies have shown that carnosine, Pyridoxamine and Aminoguanidine to be the 3 best supplements tested to date.

Aminoguanidine has actually been extensively studied, including human trials and it has shown to benefit both heart and diabetic conditions by softening arteries, reducing inflammation of the heart, reducing the quantities of AGE by-products in blood improving cholesterol ratios and enhance insulin sensitivity as well as reduce the incidences of blood clots (atherosclerotic plagues).

There is no question that at present, aminoguanidine remains the most potent anti-glycating agent studied to date. This is why IAS had placed this unique compound into its antiaging pack.

Whilst doses in diabetic conditions may need to be higher, the average person can benefit from taking 75 mg of aminoguanidine two or three times daily.

Melatonin; fighting both the neuroendocrine and rotational theories of aging.

Melatonin is an amazingly diverse molecule which may by itself affect 2 theories of aging, specifically the neuroendocrine theory of aging and the rotation theory of aging. Before we go further we should explain that the rotation theory of aging belongs to Dr. Walter Pierpaoli and currently remains unpublished, but because of our close relationship we are aware that it is being written etc. The rotation theory of aging predisposes that nature; by way of the wake/ sleep cycle (e.g. light and dark) literally operates like a clock counting day the days to hormonal imbalance, immunity insufficiency and then death. The good news is that this clock can be slowed and even reversed and there is much published work, principally by Dr. Pierpaoli on this subject. For those who want to know more about the role of melatonin we recommend Dr. Pierpaoli’s latest book- the key of life.

The neuroendocrine theory of aging was realized by the brilliant Russian researcher, Vladimir Dilman and was bought to the notice of the western world by one of America’s great antiaging physicians Ward Dean, M.D., with the joint publication of the neuroendocrine theory of aging in 1992. In principle it describes the loss of hormonal synchronicity and sensitivity, principally head down from the hypothalamus. It’s known that melatonin can address and help to improve hormone synchronicity and the clinical trials have supported that after several months of regular use, melatonin can dramatically improve numerous conditions including age-related macular degeneration, depression, fatigue, immunity, fertility and even dementias.

Melatonin therefore stands as an efficacious, simple, safe and cost effective supplement to be taken regularly as an antiaging agent and this is why we have included it in this pack.

Idebenone; the most potent antioxidant
The free radical theory of aging is perhaps the best known of all the theories. Originally created by Denham Harman in the 1950’s when he realized that the processes going on inside the body where similar to the substances he was studying in terms of the reasoning behind decay and rancification etc.

Free radicals are essentially atoms carrying an extra electron, this makes them unstable and in so doing they crash into other molecules making them unstable too. Actually there is a hierarchy of free radicals, with two of the most damaging being the hydroxl radical and the superoxide radical.

Whilst other antioxidants may “mop up” the middle and lower end of the free radical spectrum, they clearly do not address the truly serious damaging free radicals. This is where Idebenone, a synthetic analogue of CoQ10 is proven to be most effective.

Indeed Idebenone is considered to be the most effective anti-oxidant available today with potency 30 times more effective than vinpocetine and even 100 times that of vitamin E.

Fighting aging and its degenerative aspects is a complex subject that ultimately currently at its highest level is a costly and inconvenient thing to do for the majority of people. That will change over time as the cost of cutting-edge technologies decline and better understanding about genetics, to target individual weaknesses are better understood.

Right now, approaches such as the IAS synergistic antiaging pack can provide a comprehensive approach, especially when combined with a detox and nutritional program too.

Please note that we have much more detail on our website about antiaging and other theories of aging and products too. A good place to start to educate yourself are with our antiaging articles and you can also read about some specific theories of aging by clicking here.

Packs are designed as standalone items, with doses recommended for the average person so they may need to be adjusted for your individual requirements. Furthermore, if the patient is taking any medications concurrently they should consult with a knowledgeable health professional before embarking on any program.